Set up second apache2 server on Nextcloudpi


I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to start to set up a second apace2 server running on a nextcloudpi installation. I need a second server to run SuiteCRM on this. I am just learning my way around.

I do believe i need to copy the entire apache file and make a new directory under the /var/www/ and reconfigure the httpd conf files and i already found out i need to set different ports.

I hope someone could just list me the steps how to get a complete second server where i can install a complete other program next to nextcloud.

thanks for any help

You cant, but you can set up an additiinal vhost in apache, but i also struggled with that on nextcloudpi for some reason…

It has to be possible. I managed to add a second instance by the info about Apache using multiple-instances script.

BUT . Systemd is in use and didn’t allow to create the init servicd

Anyone know how to stop systemd so it can create the init service. Or another way to add a second start script for apache

This is possible. You just have to rework the ncp.conf nextcloud.conf and 000-default.conf files after you have run the script multiple-instances.

It boiles down to the fact that in the first line of the config it says virtualhost_default_:80 and the default needs to be deleted and replaced by *. so that all virtualhosts are handled correctly.

Sorry for the strange explanation, but i am a noob, and this is as good as i can explain it for the moment. But it works perfectly.