Session_lifetime not working


I’m trying to set up the session_lifetime setting in config.php. I currently have it set to:
‘session_lifetime’ => 60 * 5 * 1,

This setting is in seconds, and I believe my setting above would result in it timing out after 5 minutes. To test I log in to nextcloud and wait 5 minutes, but I an not logged out.

I also tried setting the session_keepalive in config.php. I currently have it set to:
‘session_keepalive’ => false,

With both of these set I logged in and let my browser window sit like this overnight. When I checked this morning I was still logged in.

How do I make nextcloud log out users after a set amount of time?

Ubuntu 16.04
Nextcloud 13.0.1

This is still the case. Did you find a solution?