Selected photos in google photos uploaded via share in pixel are partially uploaded

Issue description:
Photos upload:
From my android phone(pixel 7 pro) via from google photos app, if I select 10 photos and click on share and select nextcloud app and select the folder where I want to upload the photos and click on upload here. Then it only uploads 4 photos remaining 6 are not uploaded.

But from nextcloud app on android phone, if I select + to add files or photos and select the photos like example around 10 photos, it does upload all 10 photos.

Documents upload:
When I try to upload documents the behavior remains the same. I see only 7 docs out of 10 are uploaded.

Even when I tried to do the auto upload it fails too. Many photos are not uploaded.

I am not seeing any errors in nextcloud log for this behavior.

I am bit confused about how to troubleshoot it.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

My setup:
Nextcloud 30(Hub 9)
Server: Ubuntu 24
DB: Postgres 17
Pixel 7 prod with android 17