Security Scan failed!


i have a Problem with the Security Scan Funktion for my Nextcloud-Server. When I try the Security Scan, i become the Error-Message:

Scan failed! The scan for the specified domain failed. Either no Nextcloud or ownCloud can be found there or you tried to scan too many servers.

My Nextcloud Server is online and works great with wlan and www-Adress.

How long i need to wait, to check my Website? Or is the Scan-Funktion down?

Best regards


@rullzer or @MorrisJobke can you please have a look on it again. The security scan doesn’t work for my domain either and I’m now getting the same error message displayed.


I’m facing the same problem. Never had any issues with the scanner but now I get the same message.

scan server down? same problem here

@wiswedel i saw you helping with a problem yesterday… maybe you could look into the reported issue of as well?