Search option on shared links?

I’m running Nextcloud Hub 9 (30.0.2) and noticed that there is no search on shared public links.

I’ve found several threads here and tickets on github (some dating back to 2017) but did not find a solution so far.

Is there a way to turn it on at this point?

Guests app is not an option.

The main enhancement discussion is tracked here GitHub: Server #1794 - Enable search for not-logged users in shared folders #1794.

If it interests you, I suggest upvoting that Issue to assist with prioritization (and maybe subscribing to it).

I think mostly less data is shared then a full account. It would be nice but it is mostly not needed.

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Thanks. Yes I saw that discussion (and upvoted just now) but it’s over 8 years old and I was hoping there was a different solution already.