Scan not working any more

I was updating the ios app today and now I have trouble to use the scan document function. I have been using it before so I hope it’s not me. I created a bug report, but I’d like to know if someone is able to reproduce the problem.

the latest update was to and it is still ios 13. Server is still on NC 18.

here the issue with more information:

I got already a response from the developer that the problem will be fixed in the next version which will be soon in the appstore. So no need to bother you here :wink:

Hello, I still have the issue. When the fix will be realeased ?

According to the app description the scan function should be available. On my iPhone I do not see the button “Scan document” when clicking the plus icon. Is this issue still there or do I have a different problem?

It’s available only for iOS >= 13 Version


I got an iPhone 6 which can not be updated to iOS >= 13, so this is the reason. Thanks a lot for the fast answer.