Running scheduled bash script to sort pictures / videos

Hi All,
I am using Nextcloud hosted on as Storage Share.

I want to move all my files (escially pictures) from my own Synology NAS to Nextcloud. On my Synology I was running a script every night, which uses ExifTool to sort my pictures according to my wishes. I used the bash script below for that.

I want to do the same on Nextcloud. Is it possible to run a scheduled bash script somehow? With memories installed, I saw that ExifTool should be available. As I am running Nextcloud on Hetzner I do not have SSH access.

If not possible in my current setup, is there another Provider/Hoster which which it should work?

Thank you in advance!!

export LC_ALL=de_DE.utf8

### Fotos ohne Datum korrigieren
/volume2/extensions/tools/Image-ExifTool-12.67/exiftool '-datetimeoriginal<filemodifydate' -if '(not $datetimeoriginal or ($datetimeoriginal eq "0000:00:00 00:00:00")) and ($filetype eq "JPEG")' /volume2/photo/iPhone-Backup/ -overwrite_original -P | grep "^'.*' --> '.*'"

### Delete all screenshots
echo ""
echo "*** Screenshots ***"
/volume2/extensions/tools/Image-ExifTool-12.67/exiftool -d "/volume2/photo/iPhone-Backup/ToBeDeleted/%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S%-.3nc.%%le" '-Filename<DateTimeOriginal' /volume2/photo/iPhone-Backup/ -if '$EXIF:UserComment =~ /Screenshot/' -ext PNG
rm -vrf /volume2/photo/iPhone-Backup/ToBeDeleted

echo ""
echo "*** Photos ***"

### Write ExifTool outputs into Array
### Photos (JPG, JPEG, DNG)
readarray -t photos < <(/volume2/extensions/tools/Image-ExifTool-12.67/exiftool -d "/volume2/photo/%Y/%m - %B %Y/%d.%m.%Y/%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S%-.3nc.%%le" '-Filename<DateTimeOriginal' /volume2/photo/iPhone-Backup/ -ext JPG -ext JPEG -ext PNG -ext HEIC -ext DNG -v1 | grep "^'.*' --> '.*'")

### Videos (MOV, MP4)
echo ""
echo "*** Videos ***"
readarray -t videos < <(/volume2/extensions/tools/Image-ExifTool-12.67/exiftool -d "/volume2/photo/%Y/%m - %B %Y/%d.%m.%Y/%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S%-.3nc.%%le" '-Filename<FileModifyDate' /volume2/photo/iPhone-Backup/ -ext MOV -ext MP4 -v1 | grep "^'.*' --> '.*'")

you could use davfs (from a local or other machine), but it will not run on the server (no shell access) and will not be fast. It will keep your nextcloud-perms, though.
Mount your hetzner-nextcloud-dir with davfs2, run your script(s) on the file(s) inside, umount, done. it works, but is much slower than “real” shell access.