Rsync - sudo: Account or password is expired, reset your password and try again

I tried to establish a rsync backup for my NCP instance. I set up another Raspi 4 and followed all instructions. Rsync works using the terminal, from user root on my ncp Raspberry to my backup HDD on the other Raspberry with ssh autologin.

But I can’t configure my NCP controlpanel, because I’m getting:

sudo: Account or password is expired, reset your password and try again
Changing password for root.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
sudo: unable to change expired password: Authentication token manipulation error

Any idea where the problem is?
Thank you in advance…

  • generate a rsa key, if non present in ~/.ssh/
  • use ssh-copy-id to copy the id to the external system
  • next time you ssh (and rsync) to the location, no password is required

Thank you Oliver, I did all this and I can connect from root NCP to my backup server via SSH without entering any password.
Looking at the error statement it seems to have something to do with the root account at my NCP raspberry?

I reset the root password of the NCP raspberry, it seems to be the same like the pi password and it looks like it’s working…Bildschirmfoto vom 2021-01-06 14-04-42
If it really works I’ll mark this thread as solved. This will take some time…