Rsync about 30 GB of data for a mass data update?

I just installed the latest Nextcloud version (13.x) successfully on a virtual server running Ubuntu 16.04, Apache 2.4.7, PHP -7.0 as FPM and MySQL 5.7 and have a few questions I hope people in this community can help me with:

  1. I have about 30 GB of data on a three year old Owncloud installation on another VPS that I have been using exclusively through the Owncloud Windows 7 desktop client to add and retrieve files. This link seems to suggest that I can rsync the files from the old server to the Nextcloud install. But, it seems to suggest to copy the files to /path/to/nextcloud/data/[username]/files whereas in my Nextcloud install on the server, I see the path to the files as /var/www/html/[username]/files/Documents

Does anyone know to which folder I should actually rsync the files from the old server? I am the lone user both on the old server and this new one.

  1. In my local folder for NextCloud in Windows 7, I see all kinds of files such as .qm, .dll etc, apart from folders such as platforms, shellext, sqldrivers, imageformats and Documents. I guess I made a mistake in the initial sync settings. Is there a way to remove all these files from the local desktop, without deleting them from the server, where I guess they are required?

Thanks in advance.

  1. rsync it this way.
    Then run sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all

  2. When the server is still active purge your nextcloud installation, remove all local configs for the nextcloud client. Then delete all and install your nextcloud client new. Then it downloads all again, without doing sth on the server.

@STrike, thanks very much for the correct rsync path to use to migrate the data over. And, for the command to use to populate the nextcloud db on my new server.

With regard to the second point, I guess you are suggesting that I uninstall the Nextcloud client on my Win7 machine, taking care to remove the local configs, right? And, then install again? I didn’t quite get what you meant by ‘without doing sth on the server’.

Thanks, again.

Year. should work. But what files do you have there? Readed your initial post again and in the sync folders shouldn´t be any other files like in the cloud.

Thanks. The local folder for Nextcloud is empty, except for the folders and files I mentioned - I haven’t uploaded any files, yet or rsynced them over from the other server.

Okay, I figured out the mistake. I chose a different drive than C to install the NextCloud Win7 desktop client and compounded it by creating a folder called NextCloud for both the install and the sync.

Fixed it by installing the client on the C drive and choosing a different folder in another drive for the sync.

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Thanks for your time today. Much appreciated.

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I just tried a test rsync of a file from Owncloud on the other server, but it ended up under the files folder in the NextCloud install, along with all the system files. I am attaching a screen shot for reference.

The command I ran was:

rsync -avzhe ‘ssh -p xxxxx’ root@IPaddress:/home/[acctname]/public_html/data/[username]/files/zimbra_email_brochure.docx /home/[acctname]/public_html/data/[username]/files

I guess the local path (Nextcloud install on my new server) to put the file should be?



I manually moved the test file into the Documents folder and then ran the scan command and the test file got downloaded and synced in my Windows 7 Nextcloud client.

So, it appears that the local rsync path should indeed be:


I was able to move all the data to the new server running NextCloud, thanks to rsync - it turned out I had only 14 GB of data, not 30 GB, but I got everything into NextCloud so much faster, thanks to the original tutorial and STrike’s help here.

I wonder why Rsync is not favoured more for moving huge amounts of data . Even though I need to now sync with the desktop client, at least I have all my old data in the NextCloud web interface, in just a few hours. I could have finished it even quicker if I had rysnced in one shot - instead, I rsynced folder by folder, taking care to compare the folder sizes on source and destination servers to make sure I wouldn’t miss any data.

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Yep :smiley: But finally it doesn´t matter and it works :wink: