Requesting Address is Denied. Unable to open Next Cloud Office

Hello, I have created my collabora server, enabled ssl and I am getting an error “Requesting Address is Denied.” and in next cloud I am getting the error Unable to open nextcloud office.

My collabora server address is

I am running collabora and next cloud in two different docker containers with a bridged network.

I also cant access the admin panel @ [/loleaflet/dist/admin/admin.html ] (404 error)

@qubit2022 I haven’t used collabora myself but after taking a look on the error message and what I could find from that it looks like your issue is the enabled SSL if you’re using a reverse proxy in your network to access the collabora server from nextcloud?

Otherwise there is a potential missing file or that file has permissions that needs to be changed

I found this on GitHub with others having your error code

This is correct. Im using openlitespeed (from my hosting panel) to reverse proxy my docker container. Im using cloudflare SSL to wild card the domain.

Most likely there is your issue, either turn off the tls verification for an insecure connection with your reverse proxy, or use http with the reverse proxy. You can see the people on GitHub use extra_params=--o:ssl.enable=false -- :slightly_smiling_face:

Right there


Okay so rebuild with ssl false?

Yes, I would say try that first :+1:

Okay let me try it.

@ZendaiOwl are you able to fully delete posts? the one I deleted has information I do not need on the internet lol. I know mods can. Any idea how to get ahold of one?

If you deleted a post it is gone for others except the forum admins (I think) and you :slight_smile:

I can’t see your post anymore

Wonderful thank you!

Okay Im trying the new stack now.

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@ZendaiOwl I made the SSL = false, and now it wont connect to the server at all.

wsd-00001-00040 2022-02-27 07:57:40.717650 +0000 [ websrv_poll ] ERR Looks like SSL/TLS traffic on plain http port| wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:2668
wsd-00001-00040 2022-02-27 07:57:40.719075 +0000 [ websrv_poll ] ERR Looks like SSL/TLS traffic on plain http port| wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:2668
wsd-00001-00040 2022-02-27 07:57:44.516879 +0000 [ websrv_poll ] ERR Looks like SSL/TLS traffic on plain http port| wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:2668
wsd-00001-00040 2022-02-27 07:57:44.518328 +0000 [ websrv_poll ] ERR Looks like SSL/TLS traffic on plain http port| wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:2668
wsd-00001-00040 2022-02-27 07:57:44.519807 +0000 [ websrv_poll ] ERR Looks like SSL/TLS traffic on plain http port| wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:2668

It wont allow an http connection as the website is ssl’ed, and the collabora server has to be in the same protocol as the domain.

Hm :thinking:

So the configuration should be something along the lines of

Nextcloud server ← This one needs to have SSL for HTTPS, when you connect to it

Collabora server ← The reverse_proxy you use to connect to this one should not use SSL -or- use SSL/TLS and turn off the insecure verification for the connection

I have multiple services set up at home on a Proxmox with a Caddy server reverse_proxy to all of them, the Caddy holds all the certificates (SSL) for my services and reverse_proxies to the other VM’s and containers using HTTPS with TLS insecure verification turned off. (I can use HTTP as well, which is how it was at first before I turned on the SSL as I was setting it up)

EDIT: I also remembered, you need to pass Host headers with the reverse_proxy as well when you’re using SSL/TLS, though that will depend on the reverse_proxy you use and how it functions

So I have a rewrite to the local IP and port of the docker containers. they arnt http, or https.

And also I have the rewrites in the website htaccess.

So I do have https on it. Im changing it now.

Correct, currently it is forcing you to use HTTPS regardless as you’re specifying that in the URI there with the IP

Got it. It must use ssl right? Due to the nextcloud office thing sayign it has to be the same protocol as the domain? So do I change that to http, and the force ssl in the stack?

Or do I turn ssl off everywhere and let my wild card do the ssl?

Hm, if the docs say it has to use the same protocol then you will need to turn it on and turn off the insecure verification so it allows the connection

Checked the github some more and here is another setting that needs to be set :slight_smile:

I recommend reading through that GitHub issue post and cross-reference your configuration with what they are saying there :+1: should give you the most hints at what is not working

It’s difficult for me to troubleshoot any further here as I don’t have any hands-on experience with setting up a collabora server behind a reverse_proxy


  • extra_params= --o:ssl.enable=false --o:ssl.termination=true[0-9]+[0-9]+ --o:net.proto=IPv4

is what I have currently.