Replacing Federated Cloud Description Text

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The issue you are facing:
Is there a way to change the description text in the Federated Cloud section within the sharing menu?
I have conducted an in-depth exploration of the entire configuration for federated file sharing and ended up without any changes.


If you expect an answer, then please fill out as much information as possible.

Your version must be old. On 27, 27.1 and 28 it looks like this:

and behind the image ther is [-> this <-] link

Or did I miss something and missunderstood your question?


basicly the question is : i want to replace the text inside the red mark. so i can custom the text based on my needs

… but you still did not provide the version of your nextcloud.

it’s already on the top of my topic :slight_smile: but anyw i’m using 28.0.1

I think you can change the text in the translation.


example link

If it works you must change it on every update.