Replace "mobile photo management" with nextcloud

Management of Photos

I try to use a self-hosted nextcloud instance, especially for all the data on my mobile device.
At the moment I use the autosync feature to upload all the camera images and videos automatically, but unfortunately it lacks some features and I would like to know if anybody knows whether there are ways to implement them:

  1. I don’t want to delete the uploads directly on my mobile device after uploading, but maybe some time after creating and after they have been uploaded: I want to be able to e.g. view the photos for a certain amount of days directly on the phone, without having to re-download them from nextcloud. Is it possible to achieve this?

  2. The “Photos” view in nextcloud is nice, but is there a way of sorting the images by folder / sub-folder or creation date?

  3. Is there a way to compress the images / videos that are uploaded or maybe even compress them on the server after uploading, to save some space?

So my big goal is to get away from image hosters like google or amazon and self-host all this stuff myself, but these things are at least little show breakers for me and I hope I can circumvent some of the problems :slight_smile:

I don’t know which autosync feature to upload all the camera images and videos automatically to the Nextclous server you are using.

But at least with the Nextcloud Android App you can do #1 & #2 on your wishlist flawlessly. Although I am not using the Nextcloud App for iOS I think it offers pretty much the same.

At the moment I use the Nextcloud Android App with the “automatic upload” feature. There I can configure, that certain folders are automatically uploaded to a folder (by default “instant upload”) and I can configure it in such a way, that the pictures are uploaded in subfolders based on the creation date, which is nice. But I somehow miss the solution to my 1. point here: I can either choose in the folder settings to not delete the pictures locally or to delete them locally straight after the upload. What I would like is a function like “delete 30 days after creation, if the picture has been uploaded”.

To 2.: Unfortunately in the Nextcloud Android i just get “all the photos” with no chance of filtering this view e.g. by folders or creation date.
It would be really handy to just be able to scroll through all of my pictures of the “camera” folder, or select pictures of exactly this folder by date - but I don’t find this feature.