Repeated errors from richdocuments about curl calls timing out

I have NextCloud and Collabora office set up in docker containers. I am able to edit documents in Collabora, but NextCloud logs get filled up with lots of errors from richdocuments about connections timing out when connecting to Collabora container.

If I go to the NextCloud docker container and curl Collabora with the same url it returns without any issues:

$ sudo docker exec -it nextcloud-app-1 bash
$ curl https://office.[domain].com/hosting/capabilities 
{"convert-to":{"available":true,"endpoint":"/cool/convert-to"},"hasMobileSupport":true,"hasProxyPrefix":false,"hasTemplateSaveAs":false,"hasTemplateSource":true,"hasWASMSupport":false,"hasZoteroSupport":true,"productName":"Collabora Online Development Edition","productVersion":"","productVersionHash":"11d108b","serverId":"d370b82b"}

The full error message:

ConnectException cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 45000 milliseconds (see libcurl - Error Codes) for https://office.[domain].com/hosting/capabilities
Failed to fetch the Collabora capabilities endpoint: cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 45000 milliseconds (see libcurl - Error Codes) for https://office.[domain].com/hosting/capabilities

P.S. I am assuming that richdocuments app is the same thing as Nextcloud Office in the apps listing. The different names had me confused for a while.

Are you certain the curl command is running in the container? Iā€™d expect the prompt to change when bash opens in it.

I am assuming that richdocuments app is the same thing as Nextcloud Office in the apps listing. The different names had me confused for a while.


Hello, thanks for replying. You are correct. the prompt should change. I did not copy the actual prompt to the message.

I have progressed a little. I finally realized that that error message might be coming from the cron job. I have the main cron running in a separate container of the same image. Because of the way I have the proxy set up I have two networks. I guess it is one for the front end and one for the back end. I do not understand it all I just followed some examples.

So I changed the cron image to have both networks like the main Nextcloud app image. I am going to see if that helps.

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Now that I have given it a little time it seems like that was the issue. So if you see this issue where Collabora works but you are seeing errors in the logs, try to duplicate the NextCloud cron job environment to test out the issue. Thanks

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