Remove "add document/presentation/sheet" from file view


in file view, where you can upload, view and edit files, I would like to remove the options that came with Collabora (add document, add presention etc.) so the user can’t create new files, only edit existing ones (that have been uploaded to Nextcloud in the first place).

My question is:
which files do I need to edit, so that these options are removed from front-end?

The reason for this is, that saving documents etc. that were created on Nextcloud directly, does not work at all. I did some research on this, but couldn’t find a solution. Instead I found, that saving documents that have been uploaded works as intented.

We are using Collabora Online 3.8.6 and Collabora Online - Built-in CODE Server 22.5.502

I tried the dedicated server as well, but it doesn’t work either.

Thanks in advance.