Redis cluster multi write on kubernetes


Im using docker image 19.0.1-apache and the cluster sit on top of kubernetes

Redis version: 6.0.6

when I setup redis master-slave, everything is working as intended

But when I try to setup redis cluster master-master, Im getting this error:

  "Exception": "RedisClusterException",
  "Message": "Couldn't map cluster keyspace using any provided seed",
  "Code": 0,
  "Trace": [
      "file": "/var/www/html/lib/private/RedisFactory.php",
      "line": 65,
      "function": "__construct",
      "class": "RedisCluster",
      "type": "->",
      "args": [

This is the config.php part of redis:

   'redis.cluster' => [
        'seeds' => [
        'timeout' => 0.0,
        'read_timeout' => 0.0,
        'failover_mode' => \RedisCluster::FAILOVER_ERROR,
        'password' => '',

What have I missed ? =X

I am facing a similar problem… Are you using Redis Sentinel or what do you mean with “master-master” cluster?