Recognize does not seem to recognize anyone

I have installed Recognize and it seems to be working correctly: under options, Status is 2x green, and under Image tagging I see

  • Face recognition is working.
  • Face recognition: 7273 Queued files, Last classification: 2 days ago
  • Object recognition is working.
  • Object recognition: 8023 Queued files, Last classification: 12 minutes ago

However, the face-recognition results so far are mildly said disappointing: I have 10 groups under Photos/People, two of those having with my face. Yet, there seem to be very little connection between the “title pictures” and content of the groups.
For example, in one the groups with my face one, I am on 7 of the first 20 pictures (and 5 show a geometric logo). After that follows ca. 50 pictures from a wedding where I am not on a single one of them (since I took the pictures).

Things are not any better in the other groups.

Is this expected, since I still have so many pictures in the queue?
And if not, can it be fixed?

I am on NC (25.0.4) with Recognize 3.6.2, running in a Docker container.

Edit: I updated to Recognize 3.6.3 and now the results are much better - I still have 2-3 groups with random selection, but the rest was usable, I just had to remove some pictures manually…

I’m having a slight diff issue.
Everything seems to be working fine but it’s not recognising everyone in the photos. about 80% faces are now being recognised.
anyone got any tips that they can share? thanks

But whats the problem with 2 groups of your face? Is it not possible to tell the system that the 2 groups are the same person and the system should merge the 2 groups to only one group?