Recognize "An error occurred during face recognition, please check the Nextcloud logs."


Nextcloud version [NextCloudPi] 27.1.3
Operating system and version: Debian Linux 6.1.21-v8+ aarch64
PHP Version: 8.1.27
Memory limit: 682,2 MB
Max execution time: 3600

(Downloaded the pre-installed NextCloudPi Img, burned that on a sd card and put that in my Raspberry. Everything seems to work fine, except the Recognize app.)

The issue you are facing:
I installed the app from the Administration panel.
Downloaded the models in the console
Enabled WASM mode
The Nextcloud Logs doesn’t give any error about “recognize”

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (N):

Steps to replicate it:

  1. In console occ recognize:recrawl
    occ recognize:classify
    occ recognize:clear-background-jobs

  2. removed the app and install again.

  3. removed the app again and installed in console

The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging:

didn't give an error 

What’s the output of the classify command? If the app says there was an error, there should be something in data/nextcloud.log

Hi thank you for your reply.
I don’t know what you mean with ‘classify command’.

/var/www/nextcloud/data# is empty
there is a /var/log/ncp.log but this one give no errors

occ recognize:classify

That’s the classify command