I just upgraded a test system to 16.0.0, and I notice there is a new bar at the top in the files app which displays recently edited documents. This is great, but for new users it’s populating that bar with the contents of the skeleton_files directory.
I haven’t found any way to configure this behavior yet. Is it possible to have it start with a blank slate for new users?
As far as I know, you can’t (without modifying the source code). It’s a basic feature of the files app, so it can’t be solved by just disabling an app like it was possible with recommendations app.
I want to report another problem with it, it displays cache files with the add-on Carnet. Not just the changes to notes, but to index.php’s and metadata .json’s . Prolly a Carnet issue. I’ll bring it up there.
I actually didn’t mind the functionality, just the implementation.
The field is between the file folders and the top menu, and it pops in after the folders have already loaded, shoving those down on my slow-ish install on a cheap VPS. I must have clicked the wrong folder a dozen times before I went looking for a way to kill it. The feature needs to “reserve the space” there before the folders load or something, having your folder list suddenly shift down three rows is a monumental pain if you’re just about to click.
Can you post to the issue? I have number of users that are asking whether they can disable recent files feature, while some love it. I would be nice if users could decide in the settings which behaviour they prefer
/nextcloud/apps/files # grep -ri "recent"
lib/AppInfo/Application.php: 'id' => 'recent',
lib/AppInfo/Application.php: 'script' => 'recentlist.php',
lib/AppInfo/Application.php: 'name' => $l10n->t('Recent')
lib/Controller/ApiController.php: * Returns a list of recently modifed files.
lib/Controller/ApiController.php: public function getRecentFiles() {
lib/Controller/ApiController.php: $nodes = $this->userFolder->getRecent(100);
appinfo/routes.php: 'name' => 'API#getRecentFiles',
appinfo/routes.php: 'url' => '/api/v1/recent/',
css/files.scss: @include icon-color('recent', 'files', $color-black);
recentlist.php:$tmpl = new OCP\Template('files', 'recentlist', '');
js/merged-index.json: "recentfilelist.js",
js/merged-index.json: "recentplugin.js",
js/recentplugin.js: * Registers the recent file list from the files app sidebar.
js/recentplugin.js: * @namespace OCA.Files.RecentPlugin
js/recentplugin.js: OCA.Files.RecentPlugin = {
js/recentplugin.js: name: 'Recent',
js/recentplugin.js: * @type OCA.Files.RecentFileList
js/recentplugin.js: recentFileList: null,
Unfortunately I can’t help you with disabling this feature. I don’t understand the structure of these apps and where loading an app and its modules starts. Removing some code from the middle will very likely break the app, so finding the start points would be important.
Thanks, but I just need some starting points. I can’t figure it out myself, it’s an unfamiliar structure for me. P.S. I found the right one with your help, thank you! Before that, I searched through Sublime Text for part of the code, but it did not give out these lines.