RC1 of Nextcloud 27.1.0

The RC1 release of 27.1.0 is now available on our download server.

As always, help with testing is very much welcome!

We updated our servers, did our tests, and the release seem pretty decent. Still, give it a whirl and report back here so we’re even more sure that it’s good to go! If you notice anything out of order, please report back on the appropriate github repository! :bowing_woman:




The update went flawlessly. 2 VMs, 1x MySQL, 1x Postgre

So good and great new features that I’ve already updated one productive server too.


I just installed it on my test system and giving it a whirl.

It looks like Talk has some relevant updates.

Also … Text has mermaid diagrams.
It seems like if I add the mermaid text, then tell the text area that it’s mermaid language, it won’t display the diagram unless I exit the document and return. I think maybe it works properly if I set the language first then enter the text.

Apps can be restricted to use by certain groups?

Hmm. … I’ll have to look for the full list of new features.

The sharing panel is different. Though interestingly it thinks I have “custom” permissions when I think it’s just a read-only file share. Not sure I’m quite getting it. There might be some rough edges on that feature.