Problems logging in with the app on iPhone

Having issues trying to get my Iphone app to connect to my server. Has been working very well until a day ago. After filling in the server IP address sometimes you will get the certificate message after saying yes the app stalls. Installed the app on a second Iphone same problem. Works well on our Android phone and an older iPad where the Nextcloud app has not been updated. Is this a fault in the latest app? have also checked to make sure the app has access to local network turned on. Any help is appreciated.

I have the same problem, think it might be the SSL Certificate…
Local IP does not work (self signed SSL from Nextcloud)
DDNS does not work ( self signed SSL from Nextcloud)
Only other DDNS with Reverse Proxy works (Let’s Encrypt SSL)

Hey, it’s a bug in 5.5.3, my colleagues are working on it. Thanks for the report.

Thanks for the feedback will look forward to the updated version.

Please review my recommendations in

using local IP is not recommended and will result in issues due to untrusted certificates.

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Thank you for the update will investigate there certificate issue.

I had a similar issue. I upgraded NextCloud and worked fine from browser but couldn’t load the page (or apps) on my iOS device. I use nginx proxy manager in front of nextcloud. I had to add this to my nginx proxy config:
proxy_hide_header Upgrade;

Hope this helps someone in the future