Currently we have some problems with the appstore releases 2.0.0 and 1.9.5, which could end in a migration error or a broken polls installation (depending on the installed NC version).
I am not very experienced user. I updated the polls app yesterday, and now the WebUI of my Nextcloud is broken, internal server error.
And…occ is broken too. Apparently this is connected to the polls app:
“An unhandled exception has been thrown:
Error: Interface ‘OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IBootstrap’ not found in /www/htdocs/w0078c71/cloud/apps/polls/lib/AppInfo/Application.php:37”
I dont use the polls app at all these days, so removing it completely is an option. But how to do without Web interface or occ?
Edit: Nevermind. Deleted the app via ftp. I can login now
Here are the more detailed step-by-step instrucions for the not experienced ones:
Open a terminal or log in to the server via ssh, with a user that have rights to the web folder containing your Nextcloud installation, this is usually a user with sudo privileges
Assuming that:
your Nextcloud installation is at: /var/www/nextcloud,
the user running the webserver and owns the Nextcloud files is: www-data
The Nextcloud instance should be already in maintenance mode, but make it sure:
Check the properly running Nextcloud and the polls app, plus the proper v2.0.2 version under the Application settings. +1. In case there is an unfinished Nextcloud upgrade than you can finish it most probably with running the upgrade again