Problem with ICS files import on nextCloud 10.0


I have just switched from ownCloud 8.2.2 to nextCloud 10.0 (step by step !)
I had problems with Agenda App : several agendas disappears after upgrade and for the ones which are still there, they were empty !

Doesn’t matter, I have tried to import ICS files of each agendas, backuped just before the upgrade.

After the ics file selection, I have this warning message :

The file contain incompatible objects with the selected agenda

And if I launch the import, after loading, I finally get this error message :

Partially imported, 149 failures

And this, for each ics files !

What’s going wrong ?

Finally, I did a fresh install of nextCloud 10 and the ICS import worked fine !
Hopefully I don’t have to much stuff on ownCloud before :slight_smile: