I am using RPI 3B+ (Debian bookworm)
The problem is that, after entering ncp-config, and to CONFIG, after selecting nc-nextcloud ensues an fatal error of
Running nc-nextcloud
Downloading Nextcloud …
couldn’t download https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-.tar.bz2
Clicking to nc-init results in:
Running nc-init
Setting up a clean Nextcloud instance… wait until message ‘NC init done’
Setting up database…*** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR (Redis 7.0.15) ***
Reading the configuration file, at line 2277‘maxmemory’
wrong number of arguments
Clicking to nc-webui:
Running nc-webui
Site ncp already disabled
ncp-web disabled
Done. Press any key…
without any possiblity to change the value to yes, or just enable it. It perpetually turns off.
Moreover, all of these actions are accompanied with:
cat: /usr/local/etc/ncp-version: No such file or directory
What is the problem?
P.S. routing into the ip address returns 404 Not Found error.
If I have to download the correct image, which one should I choose for RPI 3B+?