Problem downloading folder as zip file

I also have trouble downloading a shared folder as a zip file.

Nextcloud version: 27.0.0
PHP version: 8.1.20
NginX version: 1.14.1

Tried with the latest (at the moment) Firefox, Chrome and Brave Browser.

Shared folder has around 10 pictures (jpg). Downloading individually works. When pressing “Download all files” browser downloads a zip with a size of around 2 megabytes (1977679 bytes). The expected size of the zip should be ~tens of megabytes. The downloaded zip file is broken.

I’ll provide further information as needed. I’d appreciate any help to this.

Edit: After unsharing and resharing the same folder now even the individual files cannot be downloaded. This applies to new files. (Viewing them eg. photos and pictures is possible though.) Older (i guess before the latest Nextcloud upgrade) shared files will download with no problem.

You’re posting on a 7+ year old forum post. Might make more sense to create a new one or at least find a newer one. :slight_smile:

Anyhow, might be:

Might be [Bug]: bulk download creates an empty invalid zip file · Issue #38335 · nextcloud/server · GitHub

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I moved it, the old topic was solved.

Check the logfiles, it might say if you lack of resources (attributed RAM, size of tmp folder) or if you are missing php modules etc.

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Thank you for moving this to a new topic. Problem is not due lack of resources:

Cannot decrypt this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you.

OC\Encryption\Exceptions\DecryptionFailedException: Cannot decrypt this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you.

Encryption module "Default encryption module" is not able to read [path_to_shared_file]

OC\Encryption\Exceptions\DecryptionFailedException: Encryption module "Default encryption module" is not able to read [path_to_file]

Undefined variable $event at /[path_to_nextcloud]/lib/private/legacy/OC_Files.php

It think it’s related to this:

[Bug]: encryption - sharing a folder breaks access to the folder #39034

Fix sharing of encrypted files #39447

Updating to didnt’ help though.


After a bit more testing it seems that the problem can be considered fixed. Some files that were uploaded and shared with earlier NC release, cannot be downloaded separately or zipped.

But new uploads and shares can be downloaded normally, zipped or not. Users just need to reupload and reshare their files, but i guess that is a minor problem considering that at least now it works as it should.

I thank you for the support.

So the solution is to update Nextcloud to the latest version (at the moment

Just remember to reupload and reshare all the files affected by the bug in earlier version(s). New uploads and shares work flawlessly (and the older ones that were shared before the bug).