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Hallo alle zusammen,

ich habe vor kurzem das PHP memory Limit angepasst bzw erhöht und dann kam auf einmal dieser Fehler (im bild zusehen).
Ich weiß nicht ob es noch an etwas anderem lag aber auf jeden Fall kenne ich diesen Fehler nicht und in google konnte ich nichts passendes finden.

Hello all together,

I have recently adjusted or increased the PHP memory limit and then suddenly came this error (see picture).
I do not know if it was due to something else but in any case I do not know this error and in google I could not find anything suitable.Wird verarbeitet: NC.bmp …

Hi @Arror

what you’re seeing is not an error but your webserver started serving PHP as plaintext files instead of processing them. Restart PHP and your webserver and check if it works again, otherwise it’s very likely that you messed up something with your PHP configuration while changing the memory limit.


Okay thanks for the help, after reboot the problem remains.
Do you have any idea how I can fix the problem or restore the configuration?

I think php does not work. Perhaps it is deactivated or not installed.

dpkg -l |grep php

a2enmod php

Most likely you messed up the php.conf when you changed the limit