Planned downtime app store Tue 16 Aug

Hello everyone :wave:
I just want to inform you all as on Tuesday August 16 we are scheduling a rather large maintenance release of the app store. There will be an expected downtime of 4 hours from 11am until 3pm CEST (Amsterdam / Berlin time zone). Due to the size of the release it is a risky release, although we tested it thoroughly locally, we have a rollback plan in case this is needed. Hopefully it’s not needed :).

Warm regards, Daphne on behalf of the Nextcloud team


I love everything about that message. It’s warm without being hype, technical but in everyday language, filled with helpful information but terse.


thank you so much for your kind message Michael!! :slight_smile:


The operation has completed and the app store is available again. We let the snapshot in place for a few days to be on the safe side, but first smoke testing looks fine and promising!


A small summary of the changes deployed :tada:

  • Update to Django 3.2 LTS
  • Creating an account without Github is now possible again
  • Remove Google Recaptcha for better privacy. Replaced by a self hosted django plugin
  • Nextcloud 24 app templates are now available and that includes preconfigured Github actions as well as all the boilerplate for a VueJs frontend
  • A few other small fixes

Update: We found one issue with the app skeleton generator which we are investigating.


Fix for that is in Fix utf-8 issues by CarlSchwan · Pull Request #919 · nextcloud/appstore · GitHub

I deployed it on production, so this should work now


Found a translation issue with german. It has been fixed at Transifex 10 month ago but it is still visible. @carlschwan Can you or someone else make sure that latest translations are part of the deployment?

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Hi, I had a look and just deployed the last update from git.

If the translations still don’t appear, could you take a look at appstore/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES at master · nextcloud/appstore · GitHub and see if the typo is fixed there? Maybe it is copying the translations from transifex to the git repo that doesn’t work


Hmmh, des Translation is ok at appstore/django.po at 637c0b09f038a11ed3311482638e9d5f133a026b · nextcloud/appstore · GitHub
but it still shows another string. Already cleared cache.

Is it necessary to convert this po to mo files for deployment?

EDIT: Another issue. The appstore is using the informal version of german (de). For all mobile apps and desktop client we use the formal version (de_DE).
Should I file an issue at GitHub? Can you point me to the location where the language selection is filled?

Oh right the po to m conversion is not done automatically. I’ll do it.

For the second issue, please open an issue in the repo :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Let me know when you are done and I will check back.