i am a newbie regarding cms systems and currently trying to get PicoCMS up and running. Although the App installed without problems i can’t get my nextcloud server to display any sites from Pico.
I am sure that i am just missing a configuration step and would be thankful if anyone could point me to a step by step instruction (which files? What entries? …) so that i can resolve this.
I got it to work on nextcloud 13.0.4 debian 9 with apache on php 7.2.
Don forget if you use Let’s encrypt the active config file is nextcloud-le-ssl.conf instead of nextcloud.conf.
Like ludovicis in another thread said (and the pico administrator settings suggest) you have to add before the start of <directory /your/files/>:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule /sites/(.*) https://yourdomain.com/index.php/apps/cms_pico/pico/$1 [QSA,L]
I followed this instructions,
that are basically the same shown in NextCloud -> Configuration -> Pico CMS,
editing /etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud.conf.
The result for me is the same as parcelpacker above:
Not Found
The requested URL /apps/cms_pico/pico/test was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at mydomain.com Port 443
As others said above, looks like is missing something in the instructions.
But before I had an error with sudo systemctl restart apache2
Looking to the output of journalctl -xe
It returned: AH00526: Syntax error on line 3 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/nextcloud.conf: Invalid command 'ProxyPass', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included
So, what was missing was: sudo a2enmod proxy_http
And then: sudo systemctl restart apache2
what had success,
and the site loaded.
After installing the app, you can create your first website by going into Settings -> Clicking the Hamburger Button On The Left -> Pico CMS –> Create New Website Button
First step:
How can I make a vhost entry to make a picocms Site about.myname.com available under that domain? (so without the nextcloud domain?)
Would be nice to get that done with a letsencrypt certificate for that specific domain.
but than OTOH, there will probably not be a big demand for SSL on a picocms site)
Next step:
I would like to make that even cooler:
Lets say I have a dedicated Domain for “member sites” lets say “superadmin.com”
Once a user adds a new Site with the name john.superadmin.com and saves it, it should become available under the url http(s)://john.superadmin.com/
Ok so we probably need a new part in the nexcloud Vhost file (or a new vhost file) with some REGEX Magic.
Any idea?
I just updated my version of Nextcloud only to cause PICO sites to all show up with “Error 500”. I’m not a developer, no clue what to do. This is not simple as I’ve been two full days and no go. Is there another CMS option? PICO is very frustrating thus far.
What do I have to do, reinstall Nextcloud only to get PICO working?