Pico CMS company knowledgebase

I installed pico cms as I am interested in creating a nextcloud-based knowledge base for my small company, and the pico cms plugin suggests this as a use-case.

Installation went great, just installed the app, then created a page and it worked!

However, for the life of me, I can’t really see how this could be used as a collaborative wiki-like knowledge base tool. It seems rather complicated for a typical (non-IT) user to create new pages and have them linked to in the documents. There’s not an easy way to see where the source is from, or how to add pages, and have them appear in a table of contents or similar.

I think it could be a great backend for a KB, but I think there needs to be a kind of wrapper for creating the content in Nextcloud in this case. I’m not sure what it would look like, but the current set up doesn’t seem suitable for this use-case.

I’m happy to be corrected if someone thinks otherwise or has tips to make it work this way! I’ve only used it for half a day, so I could be wrong, and I really would like a solution for this. :slightly_smiling_face:

It is easy to make new pages. Just make a new .md-file in the /content folder.

Maybe someone can make the file structure and collaborators write the text? They can write the text in md or someone can transfer the text to the correct file?

One thing that may simplify is to use the desktop-client and then work with the files from the computers desktop instead for on the webb.

But I have no experience of working with a more complicated menu with submenus etc. I think there are other themes that can work. Just another post mentioned this one

Yes, I appreciate that it is easy to add files, but you have to know where the files should go, how to add them to a table of contents etc.

If one person (or a few people) has to create the file structure, it doesn’t scale very well as an organisation grows. Anyway I have found another app that might be more suited called collectives

The caveat is that this seems to be a very new app.