phpMyAdmin and integrity

Hello Everyone… I have installed nextcloud on ubuntu 16.04 with Serverpilot and php7. Anyway, I did move it out of the nextcloud folder and into the root of public folder so I don’t have to add a /nextcloud to my domain name. I also installed phpMyAdmin in the root of public as well… So I setup nextcloud and everything went smooth but upon entering the page for the first time i am getting warnings about integrity check… Further investigations is is basically warning me about everything in my phpMyAdmin folder… So How do I fix this… Am new to all this… This is installed on a fresh ubuntu server with nothing else on it. It also is asking me to use a memcache… Any recommendations on what memcache I should use with nextcloud.

You could move PHPmyAdmin on a different Domain/Sub-Domain so that only Nextcloud is stored in the vHost (Root-Directory) :wink:

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Thanks mar1u5!! That totally worked… It was really easy with serverpilot as well… Just create a new app in serverpilot and give it a subdomain name… Then unzip phpMyAdmin above public and delete the public folder and rename phpMyAdmin as public… Now when I type my subdomain phpMyAdmin comes up… Installed nextcloud and no integrity errors… thanks for the point in the right direction… Also have to give a shout out for serverpilot for making managing websites so damn easy and it is free… Now I just got to figure out what cache system I want to use… probably go with memcache… and fix the Strict-Transport-Security… But I can probably handle those on my own… excited to be with nextcloud… Been on owncloud for a long time now… it worked. but my server was always having php errors so thought it was time for a fresh upgrade…