Php-mcrypt deprecated

Hi Albert,
Yes - it does exist. Trying to make an install using it fails with the report that the code is deprecated. There is the workaround that Ice-Tee has posted above. Others seem to view this as a force install of the deprecated code. I’m not sure of the implications for security but others have avoided it for those reasons. I believe depedency on mycrpt is no longer an issue despite it being included in the code base. There is a post somewhere to that effect
How to install though in this case is not clear. In NC documentation they okay installing on anything between php7.0 - 7.2. The specific example in NCs docs uses 7,0 though and there is nothing about how to manage 7.2. Sorry I can’t find the post about mycrypt dependency. Search a bit more though before diving into something time consuming. There are simple workarounds for your problem.

Sorry to crash your thread but I think we are on the same lines here. Shameless link. :neutral_face:

I’d really like to see a proper solution to this. I have been documenting my installation as I was going to make it my first blog post. I’d be happy to write it up, amend the docs etc if it would help.