Photos from the phone are transferred to 3 cloud folders

How to configure automatic sending of photos from the phone so that they are not sent to 3 directories?
Now they are placed in directories:

  1. Photos/2021/01/Camera
  2. Photos/Camera/2021/01
    Where is the configuration of automatic photo export saved?

Can you please be MORE PRECISE and describe IN DETAIL about what kind of cell phone your speaking and where do you see that different directories.

Android phone. The directories are visible in the nextcloud android client, through a web browser and in the win10 client. In the phone client android option “Settings-> Automatic upload” I turned off all folders from synchronization and now two copies of the photo are made in the cloud.

  1. Photos/2021/02/Camera
    The option of dividing into directories according to the date the photo was taken is enabled.

Nextcloud forAndroid 3.15.0.

Usually photos are automatically uploaded only once to the server, but you might have two copies of the photos on your Android phone, one in the original gallery folder (/DCIM/Camera/…) and one in the Nextcloud app specific folder.

  1. Under the general settings of the app you can decide where the primary storage location for all app specific files should be found, e.g. on the internal or sd card storage.
  2. Unter the automatic upload settings you can decide how original files should be handled, e.g. kept in the original folder, moved to the app folder or deleted.

The default directory for saving photos by the camera is: SD Card /storage/0123-4567//DCIM/Camera
In the nextcloud settings, the data storage directory is: /storage/0123-4567/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client
and allows me to select 3 other similar locations. I cannot set the same location in both settings. Or I don’t know how to do it for camera and nextcloud app. I was looking for duplicate photos on my smartphone and did not find it.
The default Android memory in the general system settings is the SD card

Have you tried point 2.?

It’s better with the file move option enabled. In the ‘On device’ option I can see one directory and one photo. In the ‘Media’ 3 pictures are shown. One has a sync tag.
I will be testing other settings. Although I don’t really understand what the different options actually do. I haven’t found a good description for configuring the android client.