Photo edit stroke colour picker does not work. Truenas, Nextcloud

Using Nextcloud on Truenas. The photo editor colour picker for stroke & shadow for all the tools (text, image, rectangle, pen etc etc) does not work. You can not click on anything.

For the colour picker the cursor changes to a cross when you hover over the colour picker and you can select a colour but on stroke & shadow the cursor does not change to a cross when you hover over the colour picker and you can not select anything.

I have tested with different browsers and on different computers with Windows and/or Linux.

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We have the same problem. I found no solution in the forums or related issue in GitHub - nextcloud/server: ☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
Did you get to fix it?
Thank you.

I have the same problem too.

It was fixed with an update some time ago now. (for me. Can’t speak for other, but I’d assume so).

Photos 2.3.0
Nextcloud Hub 5 (27.0.2)