PDF Viewer - Copying text is possible

Hello guys.

I have PDF files uploaded to my cloud and they are protected by a password. So nobody can edit them or copy the text out of the PDF file. If i view the PDF in the PDF Viewer the user is now able to copy the text.

I know its easy to OCR those files :wink: but this is another story.

Can someone help me out?

I usually remove the password by printing them to PDF


Yeah i know Sanook. Thats true. There are multiply ways to remove the protection, but thats not the topic :wink:

Didi you try the Ebook reader https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/files_reader instead of the PDF viewer https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/files_pdfviewer?

Perfect! That`s exactly the solution. THX Sanook :wink: