Passwords app forgotten encryption key

How can the administrator delete/reset a user’s Passwords app that has been encrypted? The data in the app is expendable, we just need to get into the app to start over. The user cannot get into the app to do this for himself.

Thank you

the occ command occ passwords:user:delete <user id> does that.

That was my guess too, but it doesn’t work for me.

I get:

occ $ passwords:user:delete 78602636-F2F3-4F8E-971E-*******B82A76
[object Object]
occ $ 

Also I tried it on the test system with the same result.

Are you using occweb? Try adding --no-interaction

This was up to a good start but:

[object Object]
occ $ passwords:user:delete 78602636-F2F3-4F8E-971E-*******B82A76 --no-interaction
"--no-interaction" is set, will assume yes for all questions.❗❗❗ This command will delete all data for the passwords app from "M***** K******" 
❗❗❗Deleting passwords app data ...In DeleteUserDataHelper.php line 137:                                                          Invalid user id 78602636-F2F3-4F8E-971E-*****B82A76                                                          
passwords:user:delete <user>

I have double-checked the ID and even the name is right.

I tried with several users. Always the same result.

Ah. It seems that occweb is running this command in the context of your user. There the command fails because it only has access to your data.

There is a check in the app to switch to the global context if the url is “/apps/occweb/cmd” but apparently that does not work on your server.

So the only thing i can thing of is using the actual cli on the server or figuring out why the check does not apply on your server.