Passwords and NC30+

I have been using Passwords for a while now. It’s been very useful to me! Thanks a lot to Marius and anyone who has contributed.

However, I haven’t seen any activity on GitHub lately. Every software has its own lifecycle; I’m just wondering about the future. Nextcloud keeps grinding on and invalidating any apps that don’t keep up with it.


Looks like the last update to the repo was 3 days ago at the time of this writing (see also GitHub).

I use KeeWeb for passwords and that’s looking much more bleak.

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I just saw some activity! I’m overjoyed, might I say. I think/hope I’m going to like NC30. I’m running the pre-releases on my test system. Passwords has become an integral part of my life now lol, so I’ll really be glad when both can be used together. (edit: I just updated and enabled it on my test system. Nice.)

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I also use keeweb and am very dependent on it, also for sharing passwords with others in my family. I live in fear of the day when a nextcloud update breaks it! :sweat_smile:

I don’t know the passwords app and will check it out, just in case I need to make the switch. Thanks for praising it to bring it to my attention! :hugs:


I also use the password app and the firefox extension. I could not live without it anymore.

Thanks for Nextcloud and all apps that bring so much enjoyment to my life.

Everyone have a Wonderfull 2025 :partying_face: and please keep up the great FOSS you’ve been making for years many people depend on it.

:hugs: :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart: :heart_eyes:

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