Password Managers for Nextcloud

Keepass2Android (it is compatible). It can open the db file via webdav and it uses local caching: once the cache is updated, it merges any changes in db bi-directional.

BTW, although that KeepassXC does not have the option to load the database remotely, it can do the db merge automatically once it detects that the file changed. (I.e. use Nextcloud to sync the file instead.)

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I also love Bitwarden. Would really love an Integration with Nextcloud.


I need some advice with regards to keeweb and how it is used/works. I like the interface of keeweb and I have nextcloud running on home server. I can enable the app from within nextcloud but after that I am lost. I can create a file, key and master passowrd but thats how far I get on with it. I don’t know how to actually make use of it and there isn’t much documentation around (on google search) that actually talks about this particular app. There are links to but thats not the product I want to use.

If you guys have any input on how I can use this, I will really appreicate.

Thanks in advance.

Perhaps others can provide more up-to-date information, but my experience with Keeweb has been entirely negative. Every other Keepass application I’ve used has been excellent. I’ve continued to receive open bug follow up from 2017 issues, even within the last three hours via email!

If the main issue is accessing keepass, do not use this app! You can, but I won’t. It has been years of poor performance, and my passwords are too important. Simply syncing the database to each device is the best choice. Or, use a different tool like Bitwarden if your primary concern is webui access. Good luck!

The state of password managers on Nextcloud is just sad and quite demotivating too. Passman is practically dead, Keeweb is also in maintenance hurdles. Passwords looks nice but misses some important features like client side encryption and has not a lot of well maintained addons/desktop apps. Each app is maintained by a single person which could lead to abandonment instantly which is a general problem with Nextcloud apps.

The Nextcloud VM maintainer went with Bitwarden and I think it is a nice selfhosted alternative with apps for all operating systems and extensions for all browsers. There is even a CLI tool.

Belated thanks @just!

I am back on line

I have experimented with Bitwarden and have adopted it, at least for now as Passman is showing as not compatible with NC19. Also, my Passman firefox plugin was starting behaving a bit strangely, not always loading all vaults I was connecting to.

I am quite impressed with Bitwarden’s functionality both in terms of sharing and in terms of access from different platforms (web interface, firefox plugin and android app), although some parts of the web interface workflow could possibly be a bit more intuitive.

It does not solve the issue of sharing passwords through Nexctloud groups though.

As soon as I can, I will update and expand my report and post it as a new topic as you suggest :slight_smile:


Been using Passwords for a year or so but finally moved over to Enpass. Tired of waiting for a master password facility to be added to Passwords, want the extra security. If it is added then I’d happily move back.

Actually, in the Nextcloud VM we scripted and automated the setup. It’s not integrated in Nextcloud, but it would still give you exactly what you want - one of the vest password managers around. :slight_smile:


Can I run the script on a manual install as well?


@mattvanbibber Should be possible but never tried.

Please make a snapshot of your VM/Server, and report back the result.


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I found a way to integrate selft-hosted Bitwarden in Nextcloud.


  1. Install dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs: Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server ( in docker. You can’t use the official images or cloud hosting because you can’t change the HTTP headers for the Content Security Policy

  2. Install External sites on Nextcloud

  3. when configuring bitwarden_rs in its docker-compose.yml, add this environment variable: where is your nextcloud URL. You can also setup this variable in the admin page, if enabled

  4. download a Bitwarden svg icon, then go to the “external sites” configuration in nextcloud, add a new menu with your bitwarden URL and the bitwarden icon you just downloaded

  5. You now have a “bitwarden” menu in your nextcloud menu and it almost looks integrated

Ideally it would be better to install the official docker image and use some kind of SSO (unsupported in the unofficial server) to have the same login between nextcloud and bitwarden, but AFAIK you can’t iframe the official image, so it won’t look as neat.