Ownpad compatibility NC 26?

thanks for this app very usefull.
I have try activate the app on Nextcloud 26.0.2, I have taked the risk…
So the window is cutted when I open a pad. But clicking on «Clode the navigation table», on the top left, the pad is full screen embedded and it works…

Is it a really bad idea to take the risk using it with this version ?
Does the module will be release to be compliant with this NC version ?

I think a lot of css changed on new release, also I have a module custom_menu

If I can help, giving some logs or wathever, tell me…


I was going to suggest you go check their repository, but I see you popped up over there. :slight_smile:

Since it’s an third-party, you’ll have to await word from the maintainer:

But - in the meantime - your activation experiment results might be appreciated in your existing Issue in case someone else comes looking for it.

ref: keep this module avalaible for Nextcloud versions 26.* · Issue #122 · otetard/ownpad · GitHub


Ownpad 0.8.0 is now released and brings support for recent versions of Nextcloud (26, 27 and the current development 28).