Owncloud 9 Bitnami on EC2 "Update" to Nextcloud

Good Evening :slight_smile:

I am running a Owncloud 9 instance on one EC2 with the Bitnami “Package”. Now I whould like to migrate to Nextcloud is this possible, if this is possible could I get a tutorial?

best regards

If you check the"how to" section of this forum, there is a post lacked something like “migrating from ownCloud to Nextcloud” which has a simple, step by step walkthrough to migrate. I followed it myself to go from ownCloud 9.0.2 to Nextcloud 9.0.51 and it worked great. :laughing:


I don’t know if I am at the right place, but I Bitnami Owncloud stack running on an iMac Mini.
Do you think that the update to Nextcloud, could work the same way as you described here?

Many thanks in advance,