Ouestion for port forwarding and dynamic dns for

I set port forwarding, dynamic dns for vnc at port 5901 and homeassistant at 8123 and it works i can access it outside my local network, but now i am confused how to set this for nextcloud since i can only access it using, i can’t set this in port forwarding, what can i do?

help is greatly appreciated

You would need to forward port 80 to
When you start using a SSL Certificate you would need port 443.

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I am following this guide to set ssl, but i get a timeout error when during verification, i’m not sure what’s wrong?, any idea?

i am following this guide https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-ssl-lets-encrypt/

it says “timeout during connect”, can’t get to http://orangep13.ddns.net/.well-known/acme-

make sure you have ports 80 and 443 open for that script to work.

I think you have the same setup like me. 2 pi one with home assistant and one with Nextcloud. Both pi need port forwarding.
My solution: forward 8123 to ha. And forward 80 and 443 to Nextcloud. To ha you access with xxx.duckdns.org:8123.

I am running home assistant and nextcloud on just one pi, i set port forwarding for 8123,443,80, the weird thing i that i can’t even access nextcloud locally from just from, gonna have to take a look at it

Ok, i got it working, now i can access nextcloud from anywhere, thanks for all the replies and help :smiley:, just one more thing why do i get error http header not set to wait 15552000 but it actually is?


also how can i fix this host prefix warning and if it’s important to fix it?