ONLYOFFICE option disappeared

Running v18 with ONLYOFFICE 4.1.4. I downloaded and enabled the ONLYOFFICE app from the admin web ui. HOwever hen I try to open a docx file, I am getting “ONLYOFFICE cannot be reached. Please contact admin”. I tried disabling and re-enabling as well as deleting and redownloading the app to not avail. I am pretty sure this was working earlier (I haven’t used this app very much).
Any idea of what could be causing the problem or how to fix it?

If I’m not mistaken you need an Office Online server (don’t know how it’s supposed to be included in v18). Sounds to me that no server exists in your setup.

You need to install the community server app.

This happens to me now and then. I have oo in docker and need to update certificates

I have the only app I see that includes onlyoffice in its name and that is v4.1.4. If I need another app, could someone please point me to that? (although I am reasonably sure that this was working a few days ago). As to certs, I got the cert that is used by NC only last week so surely it does not have to be renewed yet.

The problem may be related to the setting "Document Editing Service address”, but I am not sure what to set that to. Is it merely the address of the NC server?

When I set the document server address to the NC ipaddress I am getting a “Bad Healthcheck Status”.

OK, I found A problem but not the only problem. Somehow I must have disabled the Community Server app. I re-enabled it and now I can open docs in OnlyOffice but only when logged in as admin. When I try to access a document while logged in as a user, I get the message about ONLYOFFICE cannot be reached.

I spoke too soon. I now get the message “ONLYOFFICE cannot be reached” regardless of how I am logged in.

I removed the server address from settings and now it works. Apparently it wants to configure itself. Hopefully, this will continue working.