ONLYOFFICE editors 5.2 released

What’s new?

  • the single pop-up window for suggested changes and comments in collaborative editing;
  • individual user marking;
  • version history and plugins in the View Only mode;
  • Presenter View in View Only mode of presentation editor;
  • automatic list numbering/marking;
  • bookmarks and internal links in text documents;
  • customizable Content Control for creating forms and templates;
  • Layout tab in the spreadsheet editor;
  • saving spreadsheets as customizable PDFs.
  • and much more.

Read the full blog article


Great, thanks for this nice new release!

Is there any news on the upcoming v10 release of the community server as well?

What about the plans to make the Android App work with the Document server and Nextcloud directly?


Work is in progress in both cases. Can’t tell exactly about the Android app, but the Community Server will be updated before 2019.

By the way, very soon ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors will be connectable to Nextcloud. Follow the updates :slight_smile:


There seems to be an issue with the newest dockerhub image though. I guess the postgres database was moved out of the image? Upgrading right now fails because of that. Edit: (re-)starting from scratch works though.

Oh no too bad. I was on the edge of upgrading.
Look at the docker hub page if they have a solution


I guess the postgres database was moved out of the image?

Community Server doesn’t use postgres, it works with mysql (in an external container)

Upgrading right now fails because of that.

Please specify the issue.


I was on the edge of upgrading.

Feel free to upgrade DocumentServer, if you have any questions/issues we are always ready to help you.

Nice. Just installed Documentserver 5.2. Running fine. One question though. When i open an existing .odt file with OnlyOffice it seems to be in read only mode. Did i hit a bug or did i make something wrong?

thanks and cheers


Thanks for the question. This has nothing to do with version 5.2, it is about the new connector :slight_smile:

We made it possible to edit ODF (as well as TXT, CSV and RTF) with automatic conversion. You need to visit admin settings and select the needed check boxes next to the formats.

We have an article about that, if you are interested.

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I see! Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

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Looks like it is just an upgrade issue. if you completely recreate the docker container including deleting and recreating all linked named volumes it works here.

It is working well for us. Doing the upgrade was a bit rough though due to changes in configuration files I needed to reapply in new files. It took some time to figure out what I needed to fix.


what did you need to adjust exactly? i am planning to update as well…


I don’t have the exact files but apt this ask what to do with those files. The difficulty for me was that I had not documented all the changes so I had to go though all the files and compare. It was mostly nginx config and I had edited default.json.

A file local.json had appeared which was a head scratcher as it overwrites the settings in default.json. I took me some time to figure out this was the file to edit now.

@peats many many thanks, helped me a lot !

similar answer found here:

Is there a way to mount /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json when running with docker? I want to save the secret when I update the container.

I would recommend to pass the environment variables to your container using -e flag or --env-file.
All available configuration parameters are listed here.
Note that adding JWT_SECRET is not enough, do not forget to set JWT_ENABLED to true first.
All variables will be saved to the file /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/local.json
(since 5.2 default.json is a read-only file)