I keep getting "unauthorized_client: The client does not exist or is not enabled for consumers. " errors. from clients trying to “Connect to Onedrive”.
Providing some detailed steps that took me a while to figure out:
Enabled oauth (no options for an ‘oauth2’) php extension in host php control panel (not nextclould) (don’t know if this matters)
Added Onedrive integration v0.0.7 as Nextcloud administrator;
Followed instructions in Settings->CONNECTED ACCOUNTS (NOT SECURITY, where there is an oauth2 form - this took a while - i did NOTHING with the form on security page for this app)
Created a new app on the Azure App registrations page (Name: Filled in; Supported Account Types: Tried both Personal accounts and Multi tennent; Redirect URL: I selected “WEB”; “https://mynextcloudserver.com/index.php/apps/integration_onedrive/oauth-redirect” (Also tried SPA application - yields the same errors)
Adding app permissions: Microsoft Graph was already in the app with User.Read permissions by default. I clicked on Microsoft Graph, found Contacts, expanded and added “Read”; Added “Calendars.Read” the same way. Clicked “update permissions”
Click on “Certificates & secrets”, created Client Secret, and added the Client ID and Client Secret to the Microsoft OneDrive integration section of my NextCloud->Settings->Administration->Connected Accounts page
TESTING #1 Error found: At the top of the Azure App page there is a link: “Preview Features” -> “Perform self-diagnosis” Single Issue found, takes 20+ seconds: “Check your authentication token. Signing in via iframe was not successful. There was an problem fetching your token, please try again.” -
TESTING #2 Error found: Logged in as an end user (separate browser) ->Settings->Data Migration page; Checked “Enable navigation link”, Hit “Connect to Onedrive” , and I keep getting a “unauthorized_client: The client does not exist or is not enabled for consumers.” error.
Nothing in my Nextcloud error log.