Occ -v files:scan does not reach the end

Summary information about the installation:
ubuntu server 16.04
nextcloud 11.0.2 (обновил с 11.0.1)
extension External storage support 1.1.2

I’m trying to run:
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ -v files:scan --all
Everything goes well, but at some point the scan stops, not giving any errors, just standing still. when I click on ctrl+c the process is canceled. stops during scanning of share mounted with the help of an extension, rights have it all.
Because the scan is not complete, unscannable files in the share are not displayed.
With what it can be connected?

Found a comment

but I understand that it is not relevant for the latest production version, or I do not understand something.

That’s how it looks:

in log error:
Icewind\SMB\Exception\NotFoundException: Invalid request for