Occ check show message":"Passwords runs occ in global mode" "version":""

Hi all,

I updated yesterday to VC I’m getting some strange Bad Gateway Errors and try to find out why.

Therefor I also run:
/var/www/html/nextcloud# sudo -u www-data php occ check

and got:

{“reqId”:“eULC3WHbqjbGZ9ccV5a1”,“level”:1,“time”:“2022-06-02T10:02:16+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:"",“user”:"–",“app”:“passwords”,“method”:"",“url”:"–",“message”:“Passwords runs occ in global mode”,“userAgent”:"–",“version”:“”}

My System show that Password Version 2022.5.10 is installed, the App shop show that I should have 2022.5.20 but there is no update shown on my system.

Any idea why and how to fix?

Thanks Dirk

There is nothing to fix here.

  • Passwords runs occ in global mode is an info log message that just means that passwords is not running in the context of any user account.
  • 2022.5.10 and 2022.5.20 are both the current version of the app. One for servers with PHP 7.3-7.4 and the other for servers with PHP 8.0-8.1

Hi All,

I have moved my Nextcloud to a new server,
And after the move i faced with a same issue:
Passwords runs /var/www/nextcloud/cron.php in global mode

Please let me know if you have any help un this case.


This message should have the log level “info”, which means that it isn’t an error, its just an information

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