You must configure S3 as primary storage before you create any user.
If your create any user before you change to S3 the user won’t have a home directory anymore more.
Hi @xavierl! I’m sort of newbie with Nextcloud admin… been using other file storage providers for some time, but now’s the time for me to set up my own! I really don’t know how to setup the config… Could you please show me how your config.php is correctly setup?
I’d really appreciate it!!
No, thank you for sharing the link!! Could you please give me an example of an accurately setup config? I really just don’t know where in the config to enter the objectstore line.
(I would love if you’d share yours! ) You could share a link of it here and DM me with it or post it publicly! Thank you very much!!
if you want to use s3 as backend - as far as i know - you have to start with an “empty” installation. there is no migration of any data for existing user.
you may have a look at the template from my playbook.
you simply replace the vaiables {{ }} (e.g. {{ objectstore_s3_key }}) with your values and put it in nextcloud/config/config.php after you untar nextcloud and before you first login into nextcloud.
or you run the playbook on a new installed ubuntu machine. with correct values in the inventory you’ll get a working config.
if you mean that i could integrated s3 as primary storage in the vultr on click nextcloud. no. because vultr is using a kind af of script like my playbook. but i have nor access to it.
if you mean if i could think about a way to use the vultr one click nextcloud machine. yes. if you have shell access you insert the s3 storage php config into the existing config. after that you have to create a new admin user with the occ command. and delete the old one. might work. not tested.
HI! This may be a stupid question…
I just used your playbook… It’s really powerfully built, thanks for all the work.
I’m wondering how to login as root for the first time? Where do I find the password and username?
I’m trying to use OCC, but it returns
Could not open input file: /var/www/nextcloud/occ
I don’t know which one I was using! But I just opened a new server and ran the Docker one.
I could log in perfectly! Thank you.
However, I can’t see the normal admin settings! When I log in, I can’t see the settings tab like normal. What is the reason for this / how can I make the button appear?
Thank you!
Notice that there’s no avatar in the upper right corner like there normally is.
EDIT: I was wrong… There’s actually an avatar. However, it’s hidden! I had to hover the arrow over that spot. I’m sorry…
I can’t tell if my bucket was sucessfully integrated, how can I check it?
Here is another screenshot (from the settings I did eventually successfully access…) It looks like my s3 bucket is not connected. How do I check?
first you can login and you see the default files. so everything should be ok. if i remember well from my testing, if the s3 backend is not created you can’t login.
go to your s3 bucket and check if there are objects. go to /opt/nextcloud/data - if you didn’t change my default - and check if it’s empty. at least there should be not admin folder.
the avatar is also empty for me during first login. if you create a user or relogin you should get an avatar.