Notification via Email when a form has been submitted - using Flow?!

Hello everyone,

is it possible to send a notification to some email address when a form (via Nextcloud Forms) has been submitted?
How would I do that?


In nextcloud 23 you can configure infomails about unread notifications. This will also send message about new entries in a form, I guess.

Is it possible to use Nextcloud Flow for this?

@swindhab , @alexanderdd: I can confirm, Nextcloud Forms can definitely send notification mails if a form was filled out:

The notification will not be per form, but with the configured Nextcloud notification mail frequency.

Hi there,
i found this on my search for mail notifications when a form is answered.

With the written solution I can get a mail by myself when there is an answer. Works!

Right now i have to do a form and have to send a notification via email to two mail adresses out of my nextcloud.

For example:
User x fill the form ans save it
Mail notification to and with the answer in text.

Is there a way to do this?


Hi @Florian_Prummer

this is currently not possible. There are feature requests to allow sending the contents of a submission to the Form owner, but not to custom mail addresses. If you need this, you have to create a new feature request over on Github. Then at some point in time the feature might be implemented.

I know this works with the free wordpress plugin “contact form 7” (practical if you are using wordpress anyway). Software like limesurvey might also be an option.