Notes not syncing or old version of note or 0 bytes sent or downloaded file empty

I noticed that my note were not syncing from Ubuntu 16.04 to Window 8.

My NextCloud installation is on a BlueHost server and is version 10.0.1 ( new install a few days ago )

File encryption is turned on.

On Ubuntu I am using ownCloud Sync app. On window I am using NextCloud Sync app.

I suspect my issue is on the server side rather then any of the client apps.

I did a test by creating a text file in the notes section on the server via that NextCloud web interface.

Creating the text file and placing text in the file seem to work as expected.

One of the issues is that on Ubuntu I get a zero byte file synced even if I update the text file via the Web Interface.

On Windows I will get a 0 byte file or an empty file warning and sometimes the file will simply not sync.
Windows Client Error
D:\Users\Paul\NextCloud,The downloaded file is empty despite the server announced it should have been 77 B.

From Ubuntu I might get sync message like this

2016-10-13 9:16:00 PM, Notes/Server Side No Version Test.txt, Nextcloud, Downloaded, 0 B
2016-10-13 9:15:00 PM, Notes/Server Side No Version Test.txt, Nextcloud, Downloaded, 0 B

I disabled version control and deleted files to make sure it was not part of the problem and I still get the errors and issues.

Creating a text file in Ubuntu Client side test.txt with the contents of This is a client side test Oct 13, 2016 synced to the server without issue.

In windows the file Client side test.txt ended up as an error in the NextCloud Sync app

2016-10-13 10:30:04 PM, Notes/Client side Test.txt, D:\Users\Paul\NextCloud,The downloaded file is empty despite the server announced it should have been 40 B.

Shortly afterwards, I assume on the next sync attempt it was fallow up with the following error

2016-10-13 10:35:57 PM, Notes/Client side Test.txt, D:\Users\Paul\NextCloud,The item is not synced because of previous errors: We received a different E-Tag for resuming. Retrying next time.

the Client side test.txt was a 0 Byte file on the Windows computer

Creating a text file on Windows did not create any errors in the Ubuntu ownCloud Client but did create a 0 byte file.

2016-10-13 10:40:31 PM, Notes/Windows Client Test.txt, Nextcloud, Downloaded, 0 B
2016-10-13 10:36:31 PM, Notes/Windows Client Test.txt, Nextcloud, Downloaded, 0 B

The entry above 2016-10-13 10:36:31 PM should of been a 0 byte file as there was no text in the file yet.
The entry 2016-10-13 10:40:31 PM however should not be 0 bytes as text has been added to the file on windows.

The file created on windows did sync to the server properly with its contents.
The file created on Ubuntu did sync to the server properly with its contents.

My Ubuntu installation is set to run on local time rather then UTC time.
Windows as far as I know is on local time by default.

I am baffled on how to fix this or what the issue might be. I am grateful for any help.

Are there errors in your Nextcloud-logfile and on your webserver logfile?

Which Notes-app do you use?
Sync of normal files/folders works?

I am not yet allow more than two links in a post so for a linked version visit here.

Ok I have been testing and trying to figure this out with no luck thus far.

I simplified my install as much as I could to re-test.

I installed a new version of NextCloud on the server via the setup-nextcloud.php web setup file.

Setup was done using mysql

No extra users added to the new install.

Created a folder called Notes

Added a text file named first note.txt (

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu Mate 16.04 on my laptop. Installed OwnCloud sync client on linux. set it to sync with the newly installed NextCloud instance on the Bluehost ( server.

The file first note.txt ( synced to my Laptop just fine.

Created a second note server test.txt ( via the web interface.

It synced fine to my laptop.

updated the file server test.txt ( on the laptop via a text editor ( sublime ). The file was synced back to the server fine.

Updated the server test.txt ( on the server via the web interface. The file DID NOT sync fine and what was synced back to the laptop was the original version of the file with the typo server test.txt (

Next I created another new file on the server via the web interface name server only.txt ( I want to test what happens if the text file is only updated on the server.
The file did not sync properly and only downloaded a zero byte file.

I updated the server only.txt ( file again on the server via web interface and once again the file did not sync properly and only downloaded a zero byte file.

Here is a link ( to the owncloud sync client log to show the activity.
NOTE: the last entry in the log ( shows server test.txt being sync again but still it synced the incorrect version which was the original ( with the typo.

Here is a link ( to the log file for the server.

I changed the server cron to webcrone and added a cron job to

There has been no futher configuration done to the server

That is all the testing I have done thus far. Any suggestions?

Ok new development on this issue.

I waited approximately 9 hours and went to the server via the web interface and created a new text file (oct 16 test.txt) and added a line of text. The file synced fine but also something different happened.

The server only.txt file and the server test.txt synced when the oct 16 test.txt file synced

Both server only.txt file and server test.txt files now have synced the correct data.

I added another line of text the the oct 16 test.txt file to see what the sync result would be and the same issue exist as I mentioned in my previous post.

Here is the owncloud client sync log.

2016-10-16 12:54:29 AM, Notes/server test.txt, NX_Cloud, Downloaded, 42 B
2016-10-16 12:54:29 AM, Notes/server only.txt, NX_Cloud, Downloaded, 93 B
2016-10-16 12:54:29 AM, Notes/Oct 16 Test.txt, NX_Cloud, Downloaded, 36 B

It appears that the issue has something to do with date and time of the file but not sure how just yet.

If I wait long enough and trigger a sync it seems the correct data will show up on the laptop.

Could the server timezone set in php.ini have anything to do with this?