I have a question related to installing latest next cloud from scratch
I am on a raspberry pi (ubuntu 16.04)
i went to Download and install Nextcloud and found there are three options to install… I tried the web installer (should I use another method instead?)
I installed nginx on my pi and then did wget to the setup-nextcloud.php file in /var/www/html
after which I pointed the browser to /setup-nextcloud.php but my browser downloaded the file
obviously it is not executing the php which leads me to believe I ened to install php first?
but the installation instruction on the site says that the web installer will do the necessary installation of dependencies etc
not sure how to proceed.
any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I am going to be hosting nextcloud, my personal blog and my personal gitlab on the same pi using nginx as a front. Well thats the plan at least …
Thanks for the help though