Not able to link two circles - federated

I spent some time trying to link two circles.

Server A:
nextcloud 18.0.7
Circles: 0.18.9

Server B:
nextcloud 19.0.1
Circles 0.19.5

Habe die Server beidseitig als Trusted hinterlegt, Federated Sharing aktiviert.

Beim Hinzufügen eines Circles vom jeweils anderen Server kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:

A link to * name_of_the_circle@host_of_the_cloud* could not be initiated: Passing in the “body” request option as an array to send a POST request has been deprecated. Please use the “form_params” request option to send a application/x-www-form-urlencoded request, or the “multipart” request option to send a multipart/form-data request.

Any hints on how I can solve this despite not having a deeper knowledge on it?

Ich habe das gleiche Problem. Hast du inzwischen eine Lösung gefunden?

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No, haven’t looked further into it, but it’s still important to me.

Have you looked it up on Github whether there are relates bugs or any other idea on how to continue?

Not really. My next idea was to ask the other admin to also update his instance to v19.

Since we both try to link a nextcloud 18 to a nextcloud 19, the problem might be just that - the old one just might need an update.

I tried that too some time ago without sucess, I am curious, if you can get that working.


This feature is currently not maintained and should not be used in its current state. I will remove any link to it from the Admin Interface in the next release of the app.

Please note that the concept of sharing to multiple users from multiple instances of Nextcloud is already available when using Global Scale and a Lookup Server.

While I cannot give you any future date for this, the Circles will helps you sharing on multiple instances of Nextcloud but with a better implementation of the feature and without Global Scale setup nor Lookup Server.

Thanks for your patience,


@Cult Thanks for the update, mate.