No tasks app in Nextcloud 13

Just installed Nextcloud 13 on a clean install.
All is working.
But I don’t see any “Tasks” in the App store, nor do I see it in the /apps/ directory.
Is it missing intentionnaly? Is there any compatibility issues? (didn’t see any info anywhere about this… not in the forum nor in the issues of the Task app on github).
Should I just go on and install it through the dev. workflow?

Thanks for any insight on this.
(yeah I know i could figure all these things out but I am really dying under shit to do and I just wanted to avoid doing all this testing, so if anyone has a take on this that can avoid me testing stuff in the dark, that’d be super awesome…)

Nextcloud version (eg, 10.0.2): 13,0,0,6
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 16.04): Debian 4.9.30
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): nginx version: nginx/1.10.3
PHP version (eg, 5.6): PHP 7.0.19-1

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While we’re at it - I dont seem to find the Newsreader app either…

ok, so regarding the task app - I just got a reply on twitter from nextclouders account that it is not supported on NC 13 (yet… I suppose/hope that since it’s still in beta, it is just a matter of time…)

News will be ready once patches for 13 are provided by a contributor (if it does not run out of the box). I did not test 13 yet on my server and locally my PHP on Arch Linux segfaults all the time so my motivation to do anything is pretty low.

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